Hercule Van Wolfwinkle’s pet portraits have been described as ‘hilarious’, ‘cute’, ‘endearing’, and even ‘rubbish’. But however you choose to describe them, there is no denying that they have become something of a phenomenon since Hercule posted his very first portrait on Facebook back in the summer of 2020.
Hercule’s self-proclaimed ‘ultra-realistic’ style is akin to that of a small child who has never seen an animal before and is only just learning how to hold a pencil properly, but people seem to like it…. lots of people!
A large social media following reaching millions of people every month, and worldwide media coverage, has catapulted Hercule into the limelight and he has used this exposure to raise money for his chosen charities; Turning Tides Ending Local Homelessness and StreetVet.
You see, despite having more than 80,000 requests for portraits in his inbox, Hercule doesn’t charge for his pet portraits. They are all drawn for free with the request that people donate to the charities if they are able to. And the formula works because, with the help of his amazing supporters, Hercule has raised over £350,000 for charity with his now award winning ‘art’.
In his latest fundraising challenge, Hercule is embarking on a ‘24 hour drawathon’ which will see him drawing pet portraits continuously and without rest for a 24 hour period. The challenge will start at 7pm on the evening of Friday 12th July and will move to Colonnade House from 10am in the morning on Saturday 13th before finishing at 7pm that same day.
This is an excellent and unique opportunity to come and meet Hercule, watch him drawing live, and see the evolving exhibition as each completed portrait makes its way onto the wall. The final completed exhibition will also be available to view at Colonnade House on Sunday 14th July between the hours of 10am-2pm.

Saturday 13 // 10.00 – 19.00 & Sunday 14 // 10.00 – 14.00