Creative Commissions: Figment Arts Takeover
2 February // 10.00 – 17.00 // Free
To celebrate the launch of the Adur & Worthing Trust Creative Commissions 2023. Meet founder of Figment Arts, David Parker, and the artists from Figment Arts Studio as they takeover Gallery 1 at Colonnade House.
For a time during the pandemic, all we could do was look out the window. Looking Out, used funding from the Adur & Worthing Trust, and the artists explored this theme in a variety of creative outputs. After being inspired by trips to Highdown Gardens, paintings, drawings, comic strips and performance took over the gallery at Colonnade House in celebration of the theme. The giant kaleidoscope was taken to Superstar Arts in West Worthing, and participants watched their artwork magically transform, which then provided a sensory experience for the artists with learning disabilities.
Since the exhibition at Colonnade House, the artists have continued to visit Highdown Gardens and are continuing to make work inspired by the visits.
Drop in and find out about their 2022 funded project, and get involved with creative activities.