Creative Commissions: Skate Reel Screening
28 January // 12.30 – 13.30 // Free
To celebrate the launch of the Adur & Worthing Trust Creative Commissions 2023. Join founder of South Coast Skate Club, Dale Lay, for an exclusive screening of short skateboarding films.
When skateboarding & creativity collide. South Coast Skate Club worked with film producer Andy Evans holding workshops to support young skateboarders to film, record & edit their own ‘skate vids’. The films were premiered at Cellar Arts Club, with a full audience, who sat down refreshments to watch & vote on the 26 submissions in over 6 categories. One of the highlights was ‘Jurassic Skate Park’ by Lily Rose, which featured a velociraptor on wheels.
Come along and see the winning vids from each category & some retro Worthing skateboarding films.
Spaces are limited so book free tickets here.