Local Sussex contemporary textile art group Curious Threads is holding their 3rd exhibition at Colonnade House from 7 – 11 June.
Comprised of 7 local Sussex artists Alison Livesley, Amelia Leigh, Jane Falls, Linda Hoddy, Liz Howlett, Sue Duncan and Sue Sherwood, each member will exhibit their latest interpretations of the recent group challenges.
This exhibition delayed from 2021 with the Covid pandemic will feature work from the most recent three challenges, A Sense of Place, Recycle, and Verbiage together with a collection of textile sample books and sketchbooks.
Exhibited within Gallery 2 will be the group installation ‘Recycle’ comprised of hanging textile ‘strings’ designed with the natural light from the window in mind creating impact with both coloured and transparent sections allowing visitors to mingle within.
Gallery 1 will feature the remaining challenge work, A Sense of Place, work completed by each artist during lockdown and Verbiage following a group visit to Sussex Prairie Gardens in Sussex which was the source inspiration.
Members of Curious Threads are all experienced textile artists, who regularly exhibit their work either in the UK or internationally. They produce work individually as well as the group challenges which are often inspired by group outings to local Sussex related areas or locations. The group have been together since 2016 and have a variety of different approaches, many striving to develop their ideas further which makes for a vibrant and interesting range of work.
Open Tuesday – Saturday // 10.00 – 17.00