The ‘Four View’ artists met at Northbrook Metropolitan College whilst completing their degrees in Fine Art. The experience of study and art practice created a common bond between them. The group dynamic at Northbrook and beyond continues to inspire them individually and collectively to create and grow as artists. Although they approach and create their work in different ways their shared desire is to continue to make work which challenges both themselves and the viewer.




Painting by Diana Holmes

Diana Holmes explores the properties and process behind mark making and seeks to capture the essence of weather, structures and water, with a focus on folded strata and eroded surfaces.


Sculpture by Carolyn McConnell

Carolyn McConnell is happy to try her hand at all forms of the creative process given the opportunity.  As well as currently collecting forgotten materials on her walks with her puppy, Pip, to create a sculpture for the Worthing Light Festival, Carolyn creates miniature oil paintings of the sea on blank postcards, either to send or collect. Each one is an original artwork.


Painting by Frances Robinson

Frances Robinson shares her observations and experiences of the natural world through her work whilst aiming to create a space where the artist and viewer can enjoy a shared proximity to the subject.


Drawing by Stewart Richards

Stewart Richards has an interest in geometric abstraction and uses the humble dot to create his work. Starting by constraining them in geometric shapes, they are now produced in a more organic manner, allowing them to find their own forms. He also enjoys capturing wildlife through drawing.