The Journey of an Idea: Data-Driven Innovation

Data-Driven Innovation

More global data was created in 2 hours in 2019, than in the 5,000 years prior to 2013. So, now we’ve got it – what do we do with it?

The DRIVA arts DRIVA project is unlocking sets of unique, real-time big data and helping tech innovators to build from it and arts practitioners to create experiences from it .

In this free event, Mike Herd will dig deep in to data and its uses starting at the very beginning – the germ of an idea. You’ll be guided through examples of local projects from the lightbulb moment through to developing a scalable product or service and understand the importance of collaboration and cross-sector working.

Book your free space here.



Following a degree a degree in Applied Physics and Business Studies, and a 15-year career in the energy sector, Mike Herd was the Director of the Sussex Innovation Centre between 1997 and 2019. Under his Directorship, the Centre achieved sustained success both in attracting new technology businesses and the growth of its client companies. The Centre has achieved a high profile and is frequently used as an example of best practice. Mike has been responsible for introducing a wide range of specialist entrepreneurial support, including a focus on new product development and attracting early customers.

Since 2007 Mike has led a new research commercialisation initiative at the University of Sussex together with an investment fund.

Mike was named Sussex Businessman of the Year in November 2000 and given the National Achievement in Business Incubation Award in 2007. Sussex Innovation Centre was runner-up in the 2004 UKBI’s Incubator Exemplar awards.

What is DRIVA arts DRIVA?

DRIVA (Digital Research & Innovation Value Accelerator) is a £1.3m University of Brighton research project funded by the European Structural Investment Fund and Arts Council England that aims to provide technology SMEs, creative arts practitioners and cultural organisations unprecedented access to Gatwick Airport’s big data.

We believe that the super-fusion of data-driven innovation and creative practice with access to artistic and scientific expertise can drive economic productivity, community impact and place-making in our region.

By unlocking the commercial, creative, social and/ or critical, value of data of from Gatwick Airport, and generating insights into the 50 million people who depart and arrive on our doorstep each year, we can accelerate the development of an untold range of new data-driven products, services, artworks and experiences.

Over the next two years, we’ll be providing free, intensive support, access to facilities, resources and expertise alongside cash awards to bring together hundreds of creative and technology organisations and practitioners to make the most of data as both material and currency.

Find out more, and explore, at www.drivaartsdriva.com