Coastal West Sussex Mind is busy preparing to launch its new mental health anti-stigma campaign, ‘Human Kindness For Open Mindness’, which will focus on acts of kindness that help people’s mental health.
Open Minds champions from the local mental health charity are collecting stories and experiences of acts of kindness that they feel have helped with their mental health. These kindness cards will be included in mini well-being boxes and gifted to the general public to raise awareness and start conversations.
Coastal West Sussex Mind’s anti-stigma co-ordinator Louisa Hernandez said: ‘’This year we wanted to progress from awareness into actions and we came up with the idea of ‘Human Kindness For Open Mindness’ simple acts that improve well-being that everyone can be involved in as we all have mental health ’’ We are holding a week-long public arts event during Mental Health Awareness Week (May 13-19), at Colonnade House, Warwick Street. From May 14 to 20. The Charity will begiving away mini wellbeing boxes created by Champions and inviting people to choose what items they would like to fill their well-being boxes from a ‘pick and mix’ selection. There will be plenty of opportunities to talk to our staff and champions and at the weekend we will have two free #craftingkindness workshops to create mini-wellbeing boxes. Everyone is welcome and its all free.
“ Stigma stops people seeking support for their mental health so it’s vital that we create opportunities to show how little acts can really make a huge difference.”
Set design students from Northbrook Met College will have their own artwork displayed at Colonnade House and are creating a fabulous pick and mix stand that will hold the different trinkets and tools for well being . The Corner House artists are designing unique wrapping paper to wrap the gifts. ‘It’s great collaborating with all these groups and volunteers to put on our best event yet- it’s going to be fun’ says Champions Mark and Wendy.
In addition, plenty of well-being boxes will be pre-packed with gifts such as Body Shop miniatures, clay hearts and shapes, tools and tips for managing mental health and printed affirmations for people to take away. There will also be boxes suitable for children.
The campaign follows the success of Coastal West Sussex Mind’s pebble painting anti-stigma activities and the charity hopes community groups, schools, colleges, workplaces will hold their own similar events as they did with the pebbles. Anyone interested in doing their own event can email
The charity has 30 pre-packed mini well-being boxes to give away to the first people to let them know what act of kindness has helped their mental health. Email Louisa or post on Facebook @CoastalWestSussexMind or Instagram @MindWestSussex using #NoStigmaHere.
The WRAPS ( Wellness Recovery Action Plans ) are turned into Wrapping Paper by Open Minds artists. They will gift wrap the wellbeing boxes we are handing out during the week.
Well Being boxes are a corner stone of a WRAP where plans thoughts and good places can be returned to again and again – it a tool for better mental health and it is always fluid and it helps create a connection to wellness and think about what
support is important during times of ill-health. Open Minds anti-stigma and awareness Champions wish to share these insights and knowledge as a gift for our Human Kindness for Open Mindness campaign.
Come down and talk to us, make your own well-being box from our Pic N Mix tool store created by Set Design students from Northbrook Met and see if you would like to #craftkindness for yourself and others during mental health awareness week 2019 We are turning awareness into action
All wrapping paper and contents for the well-being boxes have been created by Champions from The Gateway and The CornerHouse supported by Coastal West Sussex Mind.
For more information, please contact Debbie Watkins, Community Fundraising and Communications Manager, Coastal West Sussex Mind. Tel: 01903 277000