For a thousand years people from The Land of the Rising Sun (Japan) were practising the art of creation and contemplative beauty. They invented the art of ikebana, creating wonderful flower arrangements. Ikebana means giving life to flowers, because a flowers’ life does not last long. They discovered a way to make them live longer; by learning how to make artificial flowers look like real.
35 years ago Japanese artist Kazuko Miyai invented a new type of polymer clay so soft and light that flowers made with it looked real and wouldn’t fade for years. Miyai opened her own Academy to teach people from all around the world how to make artificial, life-like flowers. Today there are about 5000 instructors in the Deco Clay Academy, and only 4 of them live and work in UK.
This September Deco Clay Academy practitioner Irma Latsanych will be at Colonnade House for her first personal exhibition in the UK.
You will see her artworks made during her period studying at DecoClayCraft Academy and works made specially for the 10th anniversary celebration of DecoClayAcademy in Russia.
During the week you will watch the creation of wedding flower arrangements, you will also have an opportunity to order flower decorations for yourself or book a lesson at Irma’s Craft School.