A group show featuring 3 local artists : Chris Sedgwick, Amanda Duke and David Wise.
All three have very different approaches when it comes to landscape but unite around the single theme of ‘Time’ which is embedded in their work .
Chris Sedgwick
Chris employs an ever shifting window into time and says ‘When I look at a landscape I can’t help but think what I know about it. The way it has been made or the way it looks this morning as opposed to this evening. These ideas are just as inspiring and attractive as the surface forms in-front of me.’
Chris produces small Giclee Print editions from drawn and paper collaged originals.
Amanda Duke
In Amanda’s work Boat trips around Newhaven and walking the Cuckmere Valley are remembered and recreated through careful collaging and layering of fabric or paper. Often presented in series her work aims to re-create auditory, atmospheric and visual sensations associated with moving through the landscape.
Fabric work is often finished with hand or machine embroidery and paper works with drawing media.
David Wise
David’s ‘ Colour Flows ‘series revolves around his ‘ Time, Place, and States of Mind’ philosophy. Drawing on patterns created by ‘tidal movements’, David uses colour to create fluid geometric patterns woven around a grid structure. Repeating but never quite the same, these patterns ebb and flow across the picture plane mimicking the rise and fall of the sea. Originally created as paintings, the works on show are Fine Art Giclee prints.
These three artists have produced a thought provoking show that will widen anyones ideas of what a ‘landscape’ can be. The artists will be present throughout much of the exhibition to discuss their work and answer any questions.
Tuesday – Sunday // 10.00 – 17.00 (Closed Monday)