Join local artist Marina Leddy in her very first exhibition Shapes of Immancence at Colonnade House.

My name is Marina Leddy and I’m an artist living in Worthing, West Sussex.
The collection is titled ‘Shapes of Immanence’, as the colours and shapes are an expression of the world before the mind makes sense of it. Human beings are blank screens and the world is projected upon them. These paintings are an attempt to express the world before our minds take hold.
I’ve always been fascinated with the connection colour has with our thoughts, mood and feelings. Of seeing how a painting can evoke a reaction in our gut and our soul in a way that can be difficult to describe. I look to explore that in my work, and the journey of creating an artwork is an exploration, leaving me with completed artwork that constantly surprises.
At present my chosen medium is acrylic on paper, or canvas with oil pastels and pen. I paint layer over layer using different colours and shapes, so that each time you look there is something new and unexpected to explore.
My work is mostly driven by how I’m feeling that day, what I’m missing and how my painting can fill that space.
I’d always had an urge to create and paint, but it wasn’t until the lockdown in March 2020 that I was able to find the time and space to explore this, and I haven’t stopped painting since. I’ve really enjoyed the journey so far and am grateful to know that making art will now always be part of my life.
Tuesday – Saturday // 10.00 – 17.00 (Closed Monday & Sunday)