This exhibition has been put together by Mark Humphreys and is a result of a lockdown expedition into the world of crypto, non fungible tokens (NFT’s) and metaverses.
Mark explains:
“Contrary to popular belief, not all crypto and NFT’s are energy guzzling practices, there are many platforms striving for carbon neutral footprints and some have even achieved this.
I have been painting, sketching and cartooning most of my life and have now decided to create digital artwork to mint as NFT’s and to offer limited edition prints.
The subject of this exhibition is Dia de Los Muertos.”
If you’re interested in the minting of non fungible tokens pop in to Colonnade House and Mark will be happy to talk about his experience of crypto or NFT’s. (Please note: Mark will not be giving financial advice)
Follow Mark on Instagram here.

Tuesday – Sunday // 10.00 – 17.00