Rachel Williams


Rachel Williams worked as a freelance Props Maker and Sculptor for several years. She has a lifetime’s experience of experimenting with various Art & Craft processes and materials, but until recently had considered cardboard far too rudimentary

Quite by accident, when working on a project that required a quick, cheap way to construct a maquette, the new passion for cardboard was discovered. With a sharp knife, cutting mat and glue gun at the ready, the shape quickly grew and she delighted in its qualities

Its availability and ease of cutting and modelling led to exploration of its potential, discovering different types of cardboard along the way. Now a self-confessed cardboard ‘geek’ she sees new possibilities in its different characteristics and relishes fashioning unique textures, patterns and forms.

Her love of the natural world and environmental issues has a great influence in her work. The English countryside provides inspiration, and Rachel is satisfied that she is working with a majority of recycled materials to achieve her very individual creations

Rachel describes this process of discovery:

Four years ago I moved to Sompting and had the opportunity to stop and rest, to re-evaluate. I had a fabulous shed/studio built and began toying with different ideas to create my own style, to ‘brand myself’. Being an artist who flits about too often with the mediums and styles of the work they produce is time consuming and extravagant, albeit great fun. I decided to choose one material and work at exploiting it in every possible way.

The cardboard came about when working on a public space design idea. It can be incredibly quick to build a structure to demonstrate a 3D idea from old boxes, and it’s remarkably strong. The minimal amount of equipment is required…a hot melt glue gun, a cutting mat, a sharp knife and steel straight edge. This is bliss, and immensely liberating for me. The material itself is fairly abundant, and free, most of the time.”


Don’t miss this opportunity to see these remarkable creatures and creations at first hand, and you can find out more about Rachel’s work here: https://www.facebook.com/recreatedbychalk