Coastal West Sussex Mind
Open Minds is a new anti-stigma and mental health awareness project working across West Sussex.
Their aim is to break down the stereotypes that perpetuate around mental health problems. To get people talking about mental health and let people know how they can learn more or where they can get help from.
The exhibition
As part of World Mental Health day, October 10th, the newly launched Open Minds project will be exhibiting Messages on Mandalas at Colonnade House – Creative Hub.
Exhibition participants are service users of Coastal West Sussex Mind and have chosen Mandalas to showcase their Open Minds Project. The work highlights the benefits of completing a Mandala as well as containing a message of mental health awareness.
Mandala colouring” uses both sides of the brain. The left, which deals with fine motor skills and focused attention, and the right which uses colour, imagery and emotion. This has proven to calm the ‘busy’ mind. Colouring Mandalas gives people an opportunity to spend time focusing on the page in front of them and not the issues that can cause stress and anxiety. Finishing a Mandala can give a sense of achievement and that something in their life is controllable.
Exhibition runs from Saturday 8 of October to Sunday 16 October
Public access will be available during the week days
The Workshops
Workshops will run on:
Monday 10 October from 12.00 – 2.00pm
Tuesday 11 October from 11.30 – 2.30pm
The workshops will be a relaxed place where people can come and try out Mandala colouring and leave their own mental health awareness messages if they wish too. The workshops are open to the public.
The Open Minds Team will be available during this time to speak with members of the public.