SOLD – Shoreham Opportunities for Learning Differences is a training hub based in the SOLD high street shop in Shoreham-by-Sea.
They offer purposeful and meaningful work experience to adults with learning differences in a realistic shop setting. Their aim is that the adults who train with them furnish themselves with a whole range of work related skills they can take onto future placements and ultimately achieve the goal of paid employment.
All of their trainees have their own talents, which they love to support and help them grow their own skills in what they are passionate about.
Seven of the SOLD long term trainees have demonstrated amazing artistic and creative abilities which led to the setting up of the SOLD studio. This space showcases their talents from digital and fine art to photography. As well as original works of art, their unique designs are reproduced in a range of products that are sold in store and at other selected venues. These range from cards and cushions, to mugs and prints. The sense of achievement and self-worth this affords the individual is immeasurable, coupled with a hefty cut of the profits!
You can find out more about SOLD and what they get up to via their Instagram here.
Tuesday – Sunday // 10.00 – 17.00 (Closed Monday)