

Mel Elston-Mendones returns to Colonnade House, with his first solo exhibition for over a decade. A member of the UNESCO affiliated, International Association of Visual Artists (IAVA), Mel has established himself on the international art scene in recent years, winning...
Chris Prince: Wild As You Like

Chris Prince: Wild As You Like

Chris Prince: Wild As You Like Chris is a postman from Crawley in Sussex  and has been for the whole of his working life, well apart from the first two years when he was a telegram boy. Most of his spare time is taken up studying and photographing wildlife and all...
Me & Mr P

Me & Mr P

Me & Mr P This is an art exhibition showcasing the creative brilliance of those affected by Parkinson’s Disease. It aims to promote the benefits of art and hopefully will inspire and develop creativity across the Parkinson’s community. Art and being creative...
Mary Fivey: Stolen Selfies

Mary Fivey: Stolen Selfies

Mary Fivey: Stolen Selfies Stolen Selfies is an exhibition of quirky portrait paintings of friends, family and people who have posted selfies on social media. In an era where self image has become an obsession for many, Mary has become intrigued as to how people want...