How will you be creative in 2024? Get your new year off to a flying start with Professional Development Week at Colonnade House, Worthing.
The team at Colonnade House, Worthing, have coordinated a week full of activities, talks, sessions & workshops all designed to develop your creative practice & businesses. All of our events are free to attend and range from exhibition planning, funding, tax returns, networking & more.
So, book a session, get planning & take the steps to take your creativity to the next level this year.
Get ready for your Exhibition // Monday 15 January // 13.30 – 14.30 & 17.30 – 18.30
Thinking of planning your very own exhibition in 2024? Join this engaging session where the team at Colonnade House will run through what it takes to plan, promote & curate your next exhibition. Meet other local artists & find out about their plans for 2024.
Funding day for Creatives in Adur & Worthing // Tuesday 16 January
Three sessions are planned for Tuesday 16 January, with a focus on funding. There are lots of opportunities for funding your creative project in 2024; both locally & nationally.
Session 1: Funding Surgery for Creatives in Adur & Worthing // 10.30 – 12.30
Sam Gritt, Investment Officer from Adur & Worthing Councils will be on hand to run through a guided tour of local grant funding that can be accessed by creative businesses, arts organisations and artists.
Session 2: How to apply to National Lottery Project Grants // 13.30 – 15.00
Relationship Managers from Arts Council England will be visiting Worthing to share tips & tricks on how to access their funding stream, National Lottery Project Grants. The session will be followed by a talk from successful recipients of the grants alongside Q&As and 1 – 1 chats.
Session 3: Adur & Worthing Trust Creative Commissions 2024 launch
Virtual launch – 16.00 – 17.00 // in-person launch – 17.30 – 19.30
Again in 2024, Chair of Adur & Worthing Trust Karen Simporis, will be launching the next round of Creative Commissions small project grants. Join the virtual or in-person launches to find out about how you can apply to the scheme and be awarded grants of up to £1000 for local creative community based projects in Adur & Worthing this year.
Tax & Portfolio Chats // Wednesday 17 January
Tax & self-employment for creatives with Carpenter Box // 11.00 – 12.30
It’s almost time to complete your dreaded tax return. If you are freelance or a self employed creative, Lisa Neale, from MHA Carpenter Box is on hand to talk through deadlines, record keeping, available allowances & more in this free session.
Portfolio Chats for Local Illustrators // 13.00 – 17.00
Looking for advice on your illustration portfolio? Book yourself a 1 – 1 & bring along your portfolio for an informal chat with a selection of top local illustrators including; Owen Davey, Laurie Rowan, Michele Payne & John Bond . These chats are open to all – but to boost diversity in the sector, we are encouraging people from marginalised and oppressed backgrounds to book a slot.
Preparing for Worthing Festival 2024 day // Thursday 18 January
Get ready for Worthing Festival 2024! Sign up to this dedicated day for all things Worthing Festival. Hear from the Festival Team about organising and planning your event, tips on creating your website listing, marketing and promoting your event, as well as a chance to ask questions and network with other organisers and venues.
Session 1: How to run a successful event in Worthing // 10.30 – 12.00
Looking for top tips on how to plan, promote & run events in Worthing? Adur & Worthing Council Events Team are dropping into Colonnade House to host this engaging talk with Q&A on how to get your next big event up & running.
Session 2 & 3: Get Ready for Worthing Festival // 13.00 – 14.00 & 14.30 – 15.30
Thinking of getting involved in this year’s Festival, either as an event organiser or a prospective venue? Find out about how you can get involved in 2024.
The Time for Worthing Team will be on hand to talk through how to register an event or a venue and will guide you through the resources and support which are available, as well as ideas on how to promote your event.
Session 2 & 3 are repeat sessions so you only need to book onto one.
Session 4: Worthing Festival: Networking // 17.30 – 19.30
If you are looking to get involved in the Worthing Festival, join us at Colonnade House for an informal get-together to meet other local creatives, businesses & venues.
For those unable to attend the workshops earlier in the day, there will be a brief overview of the sessions with links to resources.
Chat to the Worthing Festival Team, including the music coordination volunteers (new for 2024).
Creative Commissions 1 – 1’s & Marketing // Friday 19 January
Looking to get some advice on your Creative Commissions 2024 application? On Friday 19 January; book an informal bookable 1 – 1 , to discuss your application in more detail. Email joe.cox@adur-worthing.gov.uk to book your space.
Marketing, Branding & Social Media with Gary Martin // 14.00 – 15.00
For the afternoon, book yourself a place with Colonnade House Studio Member Gary Martin; as he talks through his tips & tricks of creative marketing for your business.
He’ll take us through a simple marketing 101, from how you describe yourself to your consumers to the best way to use organic social media to sell your product or service.
Creative Talks! // Saturday 20 January // 11.00 – 15.00
The week finishes with an afternoon of Creative Talks! Everyone is invited to come along, listen, ask questions and take part in the informative & fun talks. If you have something to say – get in touch with Colonnade House & join the list of wonderful local speakers.