18 September 2020 | Exhibition, Past, Photography
The first Photoworks Festival – Propositions for Alternative Narratives – takes place from 24 September to 25 October 2020, with 11 international artists coming together to exhibit work for audiences to engage with in real life and online....
16 September 2020 | Events, Exhibition, Past, Photography
At this critical time, with issues of global health and environmental impact at the forefront, MAP6’s Finland: The Happiness Project explores themes around the United Nations’ World Happiness Report, which in 2020 ranked Finland as the most content nation for...
27 August 2020 | Ceramics, Exhibition, Painting, Past
Exhibiting together for the first time, painters Patrick Duff and Jan Barnett are joined by potter Jackie Brooks. Patrick Duff and Jan Barnett both share a love of sketching portraits and met at a portrait class in Ferring. Jan introduced Patrick to her friend...
26 August 2020 | Design, Events, Exhibition, Past, What's on
This latest exhibition by Irma’s Craft (Irma Latsanych) will amaze and inspire with two of her latest collections. The ‘Old Dutch Masters’ is a collection of 3D paintings made from air-dry clay. This collection has been inspired by the origins from the Middle Ages and...
20 August 2020 | Events, Past, Professional Development Week
As part of an ongoing series that aims to connect growing business and individuals in Worthing, each year Colonnade House hosts several Professional Development Weeks that encompass a variety of events designed to share and build skills. This September,...
26 August 2020 | Drawing, Events, Past, Professional Development Week, What's on
Join Artist Michelle Dawson to learn how she makes ink drawings of flowers and plants. She will show you how to lightly sketch the outline in pencil and share useful tips on how to draw the shapes of flowers and leaves.Then she will demonstrate how to use a dip-pen...