Remember, remember – it’s all going on in November! Find out what local artists have been doing and making in lockdown, get young people’s take on the world, download a free activity pack and find out about current funding schemes.
We are accredited by the We’re Good to Go scheme. Come and visit us during our opening hours, but please wear a face covering (unless exempt). We provide sanitiser and you can register your visit with Track & Trace. You don’t need to book, but if there are too many people in the gallery, you may be asked to wait a short while.

Forge Creative
27 October – 7 November // 10.00 – 17.00 // Closed Sunday & Monday
The autumn colours of oak, pine and yew are a source of inspiration for super-cool furniture makers Oli and Josh whose wood-working workshop is nestled in the Sussex Downs. They are planting a forest of handmade trees in the gallery for you to explore and purchase so that you can create your own little woodland at home. Find out more about them and what they make – you may even recognise them from the BBC series Money for Nothing.
Carolyn McConnell: Writings on the Wall
27 October – 7 November // 10.00 – 17.00 // Closed Sunday & Monday
Carolyn’s latest collection is an exploration of absence and loss. In the places where the brush has not marked the canvas, she creates an opportunity for contemplation. Prompted by the loss of a friend, these are works of remembrance as well as art, making meaning from a space that is no longer filled.
Our World in Our Words
10 – 15 November // 10.00 – 17.00 // Open daily
In a year of upheaval and uncertainty, how have young people made sense of the world? Apron Creative took the initiative at the start of the pandemic to send creative packs to diverse groups of young people to document their experiences. Starting locally, and with plans to become UK-wide, this project is inspired by the graphics of protest placards and is a unique record of the times.
Drive to Create: Sarah Mills & Friends
17 – 22 November // 10.00 – 17.00 // Open Daily
Five local makers fill our galleries for a week and if you are looking for original and unusual gifts or home decor you will find it here. Choose from paintings, porcelain vessels, philosophical t-shirts, hand-printed lampshades, hand-built lamp-stands, linocuts, cardboard modelling, ceramic chess sets and more. Creativity has kept these artists going during lockdown and isolation has brought about new collaborations and new ideas. They are looking forward to sharing their art with you.
Dylan Shields & Adrienne Shields: Shaped
24 -29 November // 10.00 – 17.00 // Open Daily
Mother and son Adrienne and Dylan have both forged careers as artists, and both have chosen to work in three-dimensional forms. Adrienne as a ceramicist who has worked as a tutor and art therapist, Dylan as a sculptor who currently re-creates scenes from classical paintings in recycled cardboard, and these extraordinary pieces are not to be missed. In these parallel careers, and as mother and son, how has each of them shaped the other?
Anna Vartiainen: The Small Things
24 -29 November // 10.00 – 17.00 // Open Daily
It’s the small things that count sometimes, and what’s not to love about the daily joy of a beautiful item like this tea towel? William Morris said ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful’ and Anna’s work is both. This show includes many new items that have been created in lockdown, when Anna found pleasure in noticing the details of seasonal changes and natural forms around her which then evolved into a new range of work.
Worthing Creates
Worthing Creates is a new collection of eight creative activities for all ages from Worthing Theatres and Museum – including poetry performance and dance as well as arts and crafts. Each activity has been devised by a locally based artist just in time for half term – download yours now, or pick up a printed copy at Colonnade House.
Opportunities and funding
Entries close on Friday 30 October for the In Between Gallery at Fabrica. This open call is for artists working in photographic media and the winning proposal will be exhibited between December and February.
Arts Council England have re-opened their fund for individual artists Developing Your Creative Practice. This is Round 8 and will close on 5th November. Round 9 opens on 21st December.
Jerwood Arts have partnered with other key funders to offer some amazing opportunities – the Live Work Fund will support 33 artists for a year to create new live work for the digital age, and the Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries will support 50 salaried jobs in arts and cultural organisations across the UK for early career individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds.
Keep up to date with all the latest local advice and support about local grants and funding and COVID business support on the Adur & Worthing Councils website.