Adam Hodson: Ride Like The Wind

Adam Hodson: Ride Like The Wind

Adam Hodson is an international photographer and photographic technician who has worked in 68 countries. This is an exhibition where photography and art combine, including digital transgressions from watercolours, local images digitised onto large canvas, and an array...
Arts Council England: Supporting Grassroots Live Music

Arts Council England: Supporting Grassroots Live Music

Arts Council England has announced a new ring fenced fund to support the organisations and people involved in the hosting and promotion of live music events in venues. Supporting Grassroots Live Music is part of Arts Council National Lottery Project Grants. Grants of...
Climate Conversations

Climate Conversations

Ever had a conversation about climate change? Don’t know where to start because it’s such a HUGE issue? Worthing Climate Action Network can help. Their two-day event ‘Climate Conversations’ will provide space for people to ask and find out anything about...