Applications for 2024 are now closed.
Adur & Worthing Trust’s Creative Commissions are small grants to support new locally based creative projects in any artform – visual arts, performance, music, film, photography, dance, digital, literature, craft and more.
Last year twelve projects were awarded funding. You can view the results of the successful 2024 applications here.
You can apply for grants of between £500 and £1000 for your project. Final decisions about awards will be made on the basis of the criteria below and also in the judges’ view the best use of our limited funds.
Projects must take place in Adur &/or Worthing, and must be completed by the end of the following January.
Guidance for applicants is listed below. You can attend our Launch events which explain the scheme in more detail.
For an informal chat about your application please contact Karen Simporis, Chair of The Adur & Worthing Trust, by email k.simporis1@ntlworld.com
If you would like to request an alternative application format, because of a disability or digital access requirements. Please email joe.cox@adur-worthing.gov.uk to arrange an alternative way of making a submission of interest via phone, post or video application.
Submit your application by email to richard.manders@adur-worthing.gov.uk
Or post it to Richard Manders, Colonnade House, 47 Warwick Street, Worthing, BN11 3DH
If you are applying in an alternative format please check with joe.cox@adur-worthing.gov.uk about the most suitable way to submit your application.

Worthing Festival Award
The Adur & Worthing Trust are interested in supporting the next edition of Worthing Festival. In 2024, the Trust has set aside £500 – £1000 for a new project, to take place at Colonnade House. The project must meet the criteria and take place during Worthing Festival 2024. The festival takes place 8 – 23 June 2024.
Alongside funding for the project, The Worthing Festival Award includes a waived hire charge of both gallery spaces. Successful applicants must provide Public Liability Insurance (up to £5m) and sign a hire agreement but we are happy to meet and explain any aspect of the hire. Must be available for install on 10 June & deinstall on 24 June.
Full details of the hire process can be found in our Hirers Guide.

Adur & Worthing Trust
Adur and Worthing Trust is a limited company and registered charity, no: 1156999. Their aim is to promote arts, culture and heritage across Adur and Worthing.
Adur & Worthing Trust aims to stimulate the economy, employment, regeneration and infrastructure in the local creative and digital sector both physically and virtually.
The funding actively supports Adur & Worthing Councils strategy A Commitment to Culture by encouraging inclusive cultural activities, expanding opportunities to participate in the arts and raising the profile and reputation of Adur and Worthing for cultural excellence and innovation.
Our aims:
• to support the creation of new work that can be shared with the public
• to support the creation of new work that can be shared with the public
• to support locally based creatives, including people who haven’t received funding before
• to create opportunities for networking and participation for people in Adur & Worthing
• to promote the idea that Adur & Worthing is the creative area we know it to be!
The key criteria that your application will be judged on are as follows:
• Innovation and uniqueness of your idea / proposal
• How you plan to share your work with the public
• Opportunities for collaboration and partnership between local creatives
• How it will help to promote Adur & Worthing as a creative area
• How realistic and achievable your project is
• How our grant fits with the overall funding of your proposal
• How this project will make a difference to your future development
Please note:
• the lead applicant must be based in Adur or Worthing
• projects by students that are part of their coursework or final shows are not eligible.
Selection process:
Applications open in 16 January. Deadline for submissions is midnight 3 March 2024. Applicants will be notified of the outcome w/c 11 March 2024.
An independent panel appointed by Adur and Worthing Trust will assess the applications and make final decisions. All successful applicants will be formally notified by in March and will be issued an agreement to complete and return.
Payment of awards:
Half of the funds awarded will be given on return of the signed agreement and the other half on completion of the project and receipt of project documentation by Adur & Worthing Trust.
Creative Commissions 2024 projects;